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i am an outgoing young man,though life has humbled me since the trawgic death ofmy late wife.I am calm,quiet, a think alot on what to do to improve in life and to contribute for my generation,my socie
  • homme Edengarden   non connecté
  • Nouvelle-Zélande
  • Age : 64 ans
  • Zodiaque : Taureau
  • Nationalité : Néo-Zélandaise
  • Langues : Anglais
  • Taille : 180 cm
  • Poids : 84 kgs
  • Origine : Européen
  • Silhouette : Normale
  • Le plus attirant : Ma culture générale
  • Fumeur : Non
  • Situation : Je vis seul(e)
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i am an outgoing young man,though life has humbled me since the trawgic death ofmy late wife.I am calm,quiet, a think alot on what to do to improve in life and to contribute for my generation,my socie